Valerie's Room

Nihil originale est.




Free Palestine Asexual pride Card Captor bikini kill bitch, please Fantasy Reader Bird app rots ur brain I love scrapbooking Have a goulish Halloween Homoerotic subtext Transwomen ARE real women I'm a chocoholic Motherfucker Another Internet Loser When in doubt, take a nap! Insane and loving it Owned by a cat I love toxic mold We saved the world, I said we have to party blinking green eyes of a black cat hogwarts dropout i love horror movies i change my layout frequently pdf lover reality ruined my plans sailor moon blinkie i love thrift stores underachiever


Book cover of Dracula. The title and author name are in black over a beige background. There's two  big drops of blood

Pet's name: Nox
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Site Log

♥02.06.24. i uploaded three more essays!

♥31.05.24. my 2023 fic rec is here!

♥24.05.24. site revamp!

♥︎04.05.24. started working on the to be seen page.

♥︎03.05.24. the media page is up.

♥︎02.05.24. the recs page is up.

♥︎01.05.24. changed the index page

♥︎24.04.24. the essays page is up.

♥︎21.04.24. the translations page is up.

♥︎20.04.24. a site is born.


Hi, I'm Valerie and this is my very experimental personal website, still under construction. I'm not really sure what's the direction I intend to follow in this place, but you will probably find my work as a fanfic translator, some fic and book recs and reviews from general media. I will also link some of my academic essays and general resources, stuff that I want to check or whatever comes to my mind.

You can totally stick here if you find my messy process useful or entertaining. Although I have to warn you that certain content might be in Spanish because that's my first language (e.g. the Translations section and the Essays one) and I don't intend to change it. But otherwise, feel free to explore.

Some warnings

I'm an adult and as such I don't censor myself (language and opinion wise). If you feel uncomfortable with any of my content I kindly invite you to close the tab and look for something else that doesn't trigger you. Thanks for the visit, regardless.

Here, let me show you a cute photo of one of my cats, just cuz I can:

a black cat sitting in a backyard, his face is covered with some leaves

button: the web is yoursButton: Parental Advisory. I say funky a lotButton: Made with NotepadButton: Pro AO3 FreakButton: You're telling me a queer coded thisButton: Sakura Dreams

She/Her pronounsStamp of a black cat with purple eyes over a purple backgroundStamp with the phrase 'Caution, I'm weird' pver a black and yellow backgroundStamp of 'Louis tomlinson lover' over a black backgroundStamp with the phrase 'so many books, so little time' with three central open booksStamp with the phrase 'stamps are for losers... oh... wait' over a black backgroundAlice in Wonderlanda black kittyStamp with the phrase ' i forgor' next to a skull emojiGoldfishes in the seaKero from Card Captor SakuraVillanelle and Eve kissingmake bad art'My html fucking sucks!' over a rainbow background'I still user paper' over a lined backgroundArtemis from Sailor MoonfuckGardfield says 'You're not inmune to propagandayou girls are being manipulted by media!holographic pantone stampI'm Trash
