Valerie's Room

January 2024

The Corruption Sequence by beren | hp | 94k

Harry Potter is captured by Voldemort and the Dark Lord has plans for him that involve the essence of many different dark creatures. What Voldemort cannot know is that the presence of Draco Malfoy will affect the outcome of his plots and change everything.

Plenty of Wits, Plenty of Squids by sausaged | hp | 4k

Lucius just wants Draco to be happy.
And if Draco wants Harry Potter, Lucius will get him Harry Potter.

Running Up That Hill by hazel_wand | hp | 12k

Harry had spent the first years after the war waiting and trying to fall in love with Ginny and had been unable to. It had turned out all right, sort of. Ginny had settled down with the Harpies’ Seeker and Harry, well, Harry had Draco. Sometimes.

my mouth is full of stars by honey_wheeler | got | 19k

Jon’s always belonged to Robb, in any way Robb would have him, since they were barely more than babes and he was called Robb’s Shadow more than he was called his own name. He’s been Robb’s and Robb has almost been his and that’s just the way things have always been.

Hold Steady, Hold Steady by thetalee | 911 (tv) | 172k

After Eddie's bombshell announcement on Christmas, Buck runs away and finds himself back on his first day on the job.

The Black Sparrow by TheIdeaOfSarcasm | hp | 111k

Regulus had a plan, he was doing his best. He might have lost the plan along the way. He might have lost everyone along the way. This is him trying to make it right.

February 2024

King's Ransom by Tessa Crowley | captive prince | 54k

Less than a month after Auguste’s death at Marlas, Laurent goes into his first heat. Presenting as omega destroys what’s left of his life: he is stripped of all lands and titles and sent away to a breeding house, where when he comes of age he will be sold off to whatever alpha has the coin to pay for him. Furious, Laurent swears vengeance against his uncle, the man who took everything from him. He will do whatever it takes to bring him down.
His plans go slightly sideways when he is purchased by a mysterious alpha from Ios.

Queen's Sacrifice by Tessa Crowley | captive prince | 54k

The traitor-prince Kastor is dead and Akielos is secure, but in Arles, whispers of the Lost Queen still haunt the halls. Laurent has never wanted the crown, never wanted to rule, but if he learned anything from his time as a slave-bride, it’s that he cannot escape what he is: an omega, with the blood of kings flowing in his veins. He is resolved to go to war, not for power, but for liberation, to secure freedom for his sex, and to assure that no Veretian omega ever has to live through the same nightmare he did.
But war is never simple, especially not with Damianos at his side—the man who killed his brother, and with whom Laurent is falling helplessly in love.

Turning Leaves by Kbrick | hp | 112k

Draco and Harry have a one-night stand that ends in disaster after Harry tells Draco he's unable to move beyond their poisonous past. So when Draco finds an unusual Time-Turner in the Department of Mysteries, he seizes the opportunity to start fresh with Harry. Only instead of fixing things, he keeps making them worse.

first footings by wheresmyjumper | hp | 25k

Regulus Black survives the cave; Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore have a very big favour to ask of the Potters. So far, under one Fidelius Charm, they've got a Muggleborn, a bigot, a baby, and James.
What could possibly go wrong?

March 2024

When the Words Stop Coming by mrcformoso | mdzs | 7k

Wei Ying had been openly declaring his love for Lan Zhan ever since they met at The Cloud Recesses. Confused and emotionally constipated, Lan Zhan rejected him, until everything went wrong, until he lost Wei Ying in the end. 13 years later, Wei Ying cannot trust Lan Zhan with his heart.

Unholy by wickedarcher_08 | 1d | 11k

When Harry Styles started acting different after his 26th birthday, Father Louis Tomlinson is the only one that may be able to save his soul. He has successfully performed exorcisms before. This should be easy. Until it isn't. Harry is more than he seems. The battle of wills test every bit of faith Louis has. And Harry? Well, he's just getting started.
"Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."- Matthew 26:41.

Of Destruction and Rebirth by demoniqt | mdzs | 88k

Wei Ying died horribly in the Burial Mounds, with the destruction of the Stygian Tiger Seal being his weapon of choice. He thought that it would all end with his death.
But alas, there truly is no rest for the wicked (or so he thought), when he awakened on a single plank road surrounded by darkness. Just as he feared that he was in his own personal hell, a heavenly official informs him that he is, in fact, now a God.

leading tone by silencemostofall | mdzs | 32k

The first time you touch someone you're fated to love, you leave a mark on their skin. If they will love you in return, they'll mark you where you touched them. The deeper the color, the deeper the connection.
Wei Ying has no marks at all.

happy not knowing by plonk | mdzs | 16k

The cultivation world is rebuilding from the wreckage of the Sunshot Campaign, but Wangji and his shield brother Wei Wuxian are still completely attached at the hip. It is sad that Lan Xichen’s brother is stuck in the youthful pattern of - ah, no polite way to say it: exchanging handjobs with his shield brother - rather than moving on to more adult pursuits.
On the other hand, now that the war is over, Wangji does seem so much more open and happy than he was as a boy. He smiles sometimes, mostly at Wei Wuxian. Once, he even took an afternoon off. So Lan Xichen can let Wangji’s closeness with his shield brother lie for a time, while he finishes maturing.

dormiveglia (in between sleeping and waking) by comforting_monachopsis | mdzs | 13k

“The Yiling Laozu kept a journal,” they say. Greedy eyes pore the pages for secrets to godlike power.
What they find instead is a mortal man’s tragedy.

April 2024

we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal | mdzs | 92k

When Wei Wuxian fell at Nightless City he was, unknowingly to him, brought back in time to when Wen Chao pushed him into the Burial Mounds. Believing himself to be dead, and this afterlife to be some sort of punishment, he resigns himself to a painful existence. Until Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng rescue him, and he realises he has a chance to change things for the better - if he hasn't messed everything up already.

Everyanything by deliciousblizzardshark, lingeringdust | mdzs | 46k

“I was going to do it! I had Wei Wuxian’s soul and his ritual and I was going to cast it, but I found my poor sister sobbing in the hallway, driven half-mad by our gege and I knew she needed the curse more than I did.”
He grinned, slyly, underneath his thick layers of paint. “I knew she wanted to kill the same person I did. So I gave it to her; the soul, the ritual. As long as she promised to get revenge for me as well!”
Wei Wuxian is brought back from death into the body of Qin Su.

Bring Your Honor, Bring Your Shame by Terri Botta | mdzs | 94k

Nie HuaiSang has a problem. His brother is losing his mind.

pale shadows of forgotten names by Chrononautical | mdzs | 56k

To protect the Wen, Wei Wuxian throws himself on the mercy of the Lan Sect. To protect Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji marries him. To protect them all, Lan Xichen orders the Yiling Laozu's seclusion in the Jingshi.
But the Jingshi had another occupant in the past. One who lingers on, furious to think that history might repeat.

Proximity To Knowledge by ChilianXianzi | mdzs | 7k

Do not go near Wei Ying.
The words are clear and concise, etched neatly into the unyielding stone of Gusu Lan's wall of rules by Grandmaster Lan Qiren himself. It's unmistakable too, having the Wei character for ghost and Ying for infant - Clearly meant to allude towards one specific person living in the Cloud Recesses.

a star called sin by thelastdboy | mdzs | 120k

“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying had whispered. “Lan Zhan, you will have to protect me. Madam Yu is definitely going to kill me for real this time around,” he had said jokingly, but something about how he said it made Lan Wangji pause. There was a hint of something in his tone, that Lan Wangji did not like. His mind supplied memories of Wei Ying's bare upper body and the scarring on his back.
Later, Lan Wangji would think back to this moment and recognize the genuine fear that Wei Ying had tried to mask with his typical nonchalant attitude. Later, Lan Wangji would hold Wei Ying's crushed clarity bell in his hands and know whose blood had coated it red. Later, Lan Wangji would regret leaving Wei Ying behind.